
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

The Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) is an annual plant from the Papaveraceae family. It has been cultivated for a very long time for food, medicine, recreational drugs and as an ornamental plant. An archeological site in Northamptonshire (England) revealed eight opium poppy seeds dating from the early Neolithic period which is 5,800 to 5,600 years ago and suggests that this plant was farmed as a crop.

Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) flower

The opium poppy is an introduced annual and a garden escapee in the British Isles. It is usually grown as an ornamental and often found on waste ground. There are many other common names for this plant including common poppy, garden poppy, florists poppy and chessbolls. 

Papaver somniferum is generally regarded as being descended from P. setigerum which is a slightly smaller wild plant from the western Mediterranean. They are very similar and some regard both plants as being the same species.

Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) stems, leaves and capsules or pods

Growing methods

The opium poppy is an annual and it grows, flowers, fruits and seeds in the same year. The fruit is also the seed pod which ripens over a period of weeks and then opens little holes in the top where it releases many tiny seeds. Plants are short lived and are normally finished by the summer.

Seeds are fairly easy to obtain from plant catalogues but the seed sold for culinary use will also often germinate. There are many varieties and cultivars and they have different physical characteristics. Plants will readily self seed so if seeds haven't been collected, they will naturally disperse and come up again next year anyway.

To grow from seed, sow in the spring in situ about 30cms apart or just scatter for a more natural look. They can also be grown in pots and then planted out to their final position. Seeds can also be sown in late summer or autumn for overwintering. The Opium Poppy likes a sunny position and well drained soil. Flowers are produced from June to August and have fragile petals similar to tissue paper. They are usually pink, purple, white or red in colour and mature plants stand just under a metre in height. Seeds of P. somniferum tend to follow the shade of the flower. White seeds come from pale coloured flowers and dark seeds from dark coloured flowers. As the plants grow, the flower capsules or pods hang in a drooped manner and the pale green ruffled leaves hug the main stem.

The opium poppy is susceptable to insect infestations and fungal diseases such as downy mildew and powdery mildew. Plants are very sturdy and don't usually need staking but high winds and heavy rain can destroy the petals which are very delicate. To harvest the seeds wait for a few days of dry weather and for the seed head to dry out to a hard papery shell. The seeds will rattle inside if they are ready.

Raw edible parts

The seeds and young leaves are edible raw but read the Issues section below before imbibing.

Normally the black dried seeds are the parts eaten in the UK. They are popularly used to flavour sweet and savoury dishes such as breads, pastries and cakes. They can also be pressed to make an edible oil.

The leaves can also be eaten raw but before the flower pods have formed. They are crunchy and very similar to a lettuce leaf. There is no bitterness and when we can get 'em, we love 'em. However, be sure to eat them before the pods form.

An infusion can be made from the plant (usually the pods) but alkaloids present will be transferred to the tea. A search online will provide more information on the uses and dangers of this type of tea.


Much has been written about the opium poppy and its uses. Be aware it is a powerful plant containing addictive substances so should be used with a certain amount of caution. The potency of individual plants will vary with each species.

It has been reported that plants grown in cooler climates like that of the British Isles do not contain high levels of these substances. How much is high and are these levels dangerous? We have no idea and probably not providing the plants are used in a sensible manner. For example, eating the seeds is probably fine, making a daily infusion of Poppy Pod tea is probably not!

Photo: TeunSpaans (Wikimedia Commons), 2006.

Morphine is the principal alkaloid of the opium poppy and the raw material for producing heroin. Other alkaloids include codeine, thebaine, papaverine and noscapine. These substances can be found in the white latex of the plant. It is usually collected from the green immature pods of the plant by making incisions down the side. It can be seen oozing from the flesh of the plant - see photo. However, the whole mature plant (except the seed) contains this latex and so can also be processed to obtain these substances. The whole mature plant (minus the seed) after harvest is called poppy straw.

The seeds do not contain alkaloids. However, they can become contaminated as a result of insect damage to the capsule, or poor harvesting practices. Poppy seeds are, therefore, not always alkaloid-free. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA Journal, 2011) states that: "Consumption of foods containing poppy seeds that are contaminated with opium alkaloids can lead to adverse health effects and to detectable contents of free morphine in blood as well as measurable concentrations in urine, sufficient to interfere with drug abuse testing." This might occur if single large portions of seeds or seeds that are raw and unground are consumed. The EFSA goes on to say that: "Food processing may decrease the alkaloid content by up to about 90 %. The most effective methods include washing, soaking and heat treatments, as well as grinding and combinations of these treatments."

That deals with the seed. Now on to the leaves. When is the best time to pick the leaves without subjecting oneself to a dreadful morphine addiction? One study (Morariu et Caulet, 2011) showed the level of morphine in the leaves of all genotypes began at the 43rd day after germination. The graphs in the study show no morphine in the leaves before this. As the pods formed morphine was detected in both roots and leaves. At this point the leaves contained the higher amount. Roots showed small amounts of morphine levels 23 days after germination.

This corresponds with general advice which is to pick young leaves and before the flower pods form. This is what we do. However, we have taken older leaves too (but only the odd one and not very often) and there were no obvious physical affects from this. This is probably because the plants we have are very low in alkaloids. However, to be on the safe side we do generally refrain from eating older leaves.

Is it illegal to grow this plant? It is not illegal to grow the opium poppy in the UK but it is illegal to process these plants into drugs. No surprise there then. It may, however, be illegal to grow them in other countries so always check first.


  1. These poppies appear in my garden every year and I wondered if they were edible, so your site has been very helpful, thank you.

  2. To extract seeds: harvest capsules as the windows open, allow to dry for the odd week. Put in a screw-top jar or similar, and shake. Pour through a kitchen sieve: seeds only should go through. May help if the pods are broken a bit.

  3. What of the flowers? Can you dry the flowers & add to tea?

    1. Try and see no harm no foul

    2. thanks for the info. with the DEA making everything illegal that will help me, I figure I'll have to get my own medicine.

  4. 6-5-17 I AGREE: My DOCTOR tells Me " in 6 months to 1 year, I may not be able to prescribe this Medicine to You" What else can Chronic Pain patients do??? I've had 27 broken bones in My lifetime. Included are multiple Vertebrae that are damaged. I've seen My own X-Rays,and the prognosis is NOT GOOD.At 56, I'm already limited, as to the jobs that I can perform. I get NO Monetary assistance,(federal or Otherwise). My ONLY income is from working! And without Pain Medication,this outlook is bleak,at best. I only wish to keep up My current level of activity and Income. Future SELF-MEDICATION, seems to be the only way! Or move to Mexico! I'm just glad that I've spent decades studying Herbals,Plants,and Chemistry, and have the Library (Paper,not Digital) to support My frail body. THANK GOD FOR PLANTS!!!!

    1. My live was saved shortly after birth by an operation called an: "esophageal atresia" - the most common birth defect. Back in 1955 when I was born, my chance of surviving that operation was <10%, so I was very fortunate to have had a great neonatal surgeon. After the surgery, I was put in an incubator for a week, to see if I would live. They still use tincture of opium in the neonatal wards in the UK to this day, because it's the most gentle and effective form of opium. Eat the pods, make tea, make tinctures, make smoking opium - do what you like is what I said. Growing cannabis and opium is only illegal, because they are the most effective medicinal plants given to us by Creator. Cannabis is also the best food, fuel, fiber, medicine, plastic, building material, insulation, batteries, super conductors...what can't be made with cannabis?

    2. I agree that people with Chronic conditions are subject to suffer extreme pain. Please look for Pain Patients unitem on Facebook and get some Red Bali Kratom which is lefal.

    3. You might want to try lactuca virosa extract. You can buy it legally in the U.S. or make your own pretty easily. It's somewhat milder than oP8es but doesn't seem to have any physical withdrawal issues like with morphine-based medicines. Just a thought. Also, the stuff grows EVERYWHERE.

  5. You can al so collect the pod by cutting then of the plant a week after the flower, cut away the crest, remove the seeds by chopping them up and putting a couple in a little alcohol and water mix. That way u will have sometime to take during winter.

  6. I am in the process of growing them now. Just too bad winter is almost here. Planted too late but have plenty of seeds for a spring planting. I will be making my own medicine.

  7. Is it possible to use opium the kind you smoke in a bowl with the buds similar to cannibus for making edibles like you would with Cannibus? And if it is possible does anyone have any cooking advice to make them where they get you high but maybe not too high. I mainly like that when I used to smoke it I didn't get munchies like Cannibus does. Since overweight is in my genetics this is an issue for me.

    1. Yes u.Can use a cannabis pipe put ashes on the top then lite up

  8. My opium poppy seed pods are disappearing. They look cut by a human, but who would be coming onto my property and taking them? Is it possible that an animal is eating them?

    1. We have read of starlings and squirrels taking them but have never seen this ourselves.

  9. growing some now. im actually in mexico its been fairly decent weather. they have come up with to small leaves. how long are they in this stage before they start to grow in size? just want to make sure im growing them correctly. any input would be awesome thank you.

    1. The plant has a growth cycle of about 120 days. It should reach about 1-2 feet in height by about day 60 and produces flowers by day 90. Hope this helps.

  10. Thanks for sharing the information. I hope you will share the information on the red bali kratom capsules

  11. Poppies, big ones, grow wild all over our allotment and while uprooting I can't help noticing they have beautiful parsnip-like roots and a delicious smell. Surely someone has tried boiling or roasting these roots? If a strain were selected for the most meaty roots it would make a valuable grow-anywhere, pest-resilient food source.

  12. Does that mean that the young plants before the pod shoots up has no alkaloids? So they are safe to consume because they are quite delicious. Taste like spinach, I guess I’m wondering when does the latex start to form in the plant so I don’t accidentally eat my last meal.
