
Sunday 31 July 2016

Wild raspberries (Rubus idaeus)

Wild raspberries come from the large Rubus genus of plants in the Roseaceae or rose family. They produce a white flower followed by a red fruit. The fruit is an aggregate of drupelets. Raspberries are native to Europe and Northern Asia. However, they are widely cultivated in many areas of the world.

An image of wild raspberry canes in Scotland.

The wild raspberry is ripening in Scotland now (between June and September) so get out there and pick some. They can be found in woodlands, on the margins of woodlands and in hedgerows. They may be a little smaller, but the taste is far superior to the cultivated species.

We have a lot of wild raspberries on our land and they fruit over a long period of time. We don't need to water them, feed them, tie them up, cut them down or do anything else to them so we don't bother growing the cultivated varieties!

An image of wild raspberries picked in Scotland
Wild raspberries picked today!

If, like us, you don't live near a town, having an abundance of wild fruit on our doorstep like this is a blessing. This is nature's own supermarket at its finest.

Other uses

The leaves, roots and fruit are used in herbal medicine. A blue dye can be obtained from the fruit. The stems can be used to produce a fibre for paper making.

Raw Edible Parts

The fruit can be eaten raw. We love the fruit as a topping for raw vegan cheesecake, in smoothies or just eaten straight from the plant. The leaves can be made into a tea. The young shoots, emerging from the ground in spring, can be peeled and eaten raw. The roots, however, require cooking before eating.